The more time you give it, the more choices you’ll have.
There’ll always be more than one right answer. And,
Waiting for divine intervention is almost never a good idea.
“Whether you think you can.
Or whether you think you can’t.
You’re right.” – Henry Ford
That’s true!
That’s the power.
Of possessing a positive mindset.
Thinking positive.
Is the thing that helps you move mountains.
And if you are trying to move mountains.
And making your dreams come true.
You better possess a positive mindset!
That’s why here at NineFrogs.
We always say:
Think positive!
I was out shopping the other day.
And I over-heard a conversation between two women.
Apparently, hadn’t seen in each other in a while and were catching up.
It went something like this:
Woman 1 – so how are you doing? everything going good?
Woman 2 – oh, you know…I’m tired, I feel like I can never catch up, blah, blah, blah
Woman 1 – I know, the older I get, the harder everything seems. Some days I find it hard to do anything!
Woman 2 – I know exactly how you feel. Just getting dressed and combing my hair is an effort these days.
Woman 1 – It just doesn’t seem fair does it?
Woman 2 – Exactly, life just seems to be getting more complicated and harder, I just can’t deal with it.
I’m pretty sure.
That those two people.
Need a mindset.
Let’s face it.
Life can be hard at times.
And it’s very easy to let a negative mindset set in.
That’s why you have to work at it daily.
Because the flip side is.
A negative mindset will get you nowhere fast in life.
Which is why it is critical to think positive.
And this:
Thinking positive in a negative situation is the thing leaders are made of.👈👈👈
So, ask yourself.
How can I change my thinking?
One of the tag lines for my business is: Where Attitude is Everything!
There’s a reason for that,.
Possessing a positive attitude.
Is necessary to not only survive in life, but to thrive!
And yet, so many people just don’t get that?
I hear so many people complain.
And they complain just about everything.
People of all ages no less.
It’s called life people!
You either conquer it.
Or it will conquer you!👈👈👈
Make sure your mindset is fixed.
On being positive!
I love when people say.
“Well, look what’s going on in the world, how can you be positive?’
What about life 100 years ago?
When they didn’t have electricity, cell phones and the internet?
No Google, Netflix, or TikTok!
Do you think they were all unhappy?
Of course not!
They made the best of it.
So, I’m saying. “How can I be GREAT?” (7.25.2021)
You need to do the same.
Think positive!
Is it easy to keep a positive mindset everyday?
Actually, for me it is.
That’s how I choose to see my world.
I’ve said this before.
When you truly possess a positive mindset.
People can actually feel the energy coming off you!
I know, because I live it everyday.
You literally become a magnet to people.
Energy is contagious.
And when you have that kind of energy.
People want what you have.
You’ll see!
I for one, get this all the time.
As I possess a positive mindset (in case you couldn’t tell).
Add in a high amount of energy.
And of course, a killer smile and great hair 😉
You got it.
I’m a people magnet!👈👈👈
I was having dinner with a friend over the weekend.
And they asked me, how do you stay so positive?
I answered.
‘That’s easy. I don’t worry about things I can’t control.”
“And the things I can control, I work at everyday.”
For me, it’s not even something I think about.
I just wake up happy.
And think, what do I need to accomplish today?
And since I have my own business, that list is endless.
Because, once I’m up.
I don’t stop!
And I believe that is KEY to keeping a positive mindset.
And I don’t just mean ‘busy work’.
Keeping busy doing what you love!
Me, always looking perpetually tired 😉
So, for all the people who tell me they can’t get out of bed in the morning.
And start their day on a positive note.
Here’s a little something to help you on those days.
Give yourself three things to do.
That’s it.
Three things.
Something like this:
Take a shower.
Put on your makeup/go to the gym/take a walk/whatever works for you!
Get dressed.
And by the time you’ve done all three.
You will be ready for the day.
The point is.
Stay in motion.
And thing that helps me going every day.
My to-do list.
And I make one everyday.
It helps keep me moving in the right direction.
Not to mention, highly productive.
I pretty confident that I do more things in one day.
Than most people do in a week.
And I wonder why I’m always tired!
A positive mindset works miracles in your life.
When you possess a positive mindset.
You start living your life on an entirely different level.
And you start seeing the world differently.
Here’s another another benefit of a positive mindset:
It helps bring about serendipities you never thought possible!❤❤❤
Start creating your own opportunities!
Tune out all the negative out of your life.
Whether that’s a person or a situation.
It has no business being in your life.
You can’t have a positive mindset.
If you are living a negative life.
And, you are too special.
Not to live your life in a positive light!
You can’t even appreciate.
How fabulous you are!
Speaking of change.
I’m doing something different.
Something that I’ve been wanting to do.
For some time now.
It took me even longer.
Than I thought it would.
But I did it!
That’s right!
Wrote my first book.
First of many I should add.
That’s right.
Adding that to my toolbox of gifts.
Gifts I give myself.
Because writing a book.
Is sincerely a gift.
That’s a wrap!
Did you know?
It’s HERE!
Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!” – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click the link to purchase your copy today:
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!
Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon:
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today –!
That’s a wrap!
Till next time,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!
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