A philosophical journey from here to there… Patricia Bokowski, do you think that if ten million dollars were to be suddenly deposited into your checking account, that over the following months and years you’d have fewer and fewer challenges? Or do you think, perhaps, that your challenges would simply evolve and change? Right, evolve and change. And do you think that with your extra $10 million, you’d gradually be presented with more and more opportunities to be happy? Or do you think, perhaps, that your opportunities would simply evolve and change? Right, evolve and change. Now, doesn’t that answer everything? Beeb, beeb – The Universe / “What’s in your future?” / www.tut.com |
“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs
What’s in your future?
What does it look like?
Don’t think you can make it happen?
I promise, you can.
Look, as we all know.
There are a lot of doors out there.
The question is?
Have you been knocking on them?
But, here’s a little something.
I want you to know.
Not all doors are for you!
Very true.
So stop wasting your time.
If you knock on a door that turns out is not for you.
That is something that messes many people up.
They get stuck on that ‘one’ door.
On that ONE door.
A door that was never there to begin with.
I recently did something.
I’ve been wanting to do for some time now.
I opened a shop on Amazon.
Take a look: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs
As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone.
Full disclosure, I receive a commission.
New items are added daily.
Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!

👇👇👇Link to order tattoos on Amazon:
“If a door doesn’t open for you, it’s not your door.”
Which is NOT to say, you give up.
What is truly yours.
Won’t ever be withheld from you👈👈👈
It just means.
You need to find another door.
Because when people get all hung up on ‘one’ door.
THAT one “door”.
That if it doesn’t open.
They will spend the rest of their lives.
Concentrating on the one that didn’t open.
Instead of going out.
And knocking on new doors!
Just keep knocking!
You need to know when it’s time to pivot.
Things are changing quickly.
Today’s business landscape.
Has a lot of moving pieces.
And if you want.
To be part of that landscape.
You have to be willing.
To start knocking on new doors.
Remember, old doors lead to old ways.
If you want to see where you future is going.
Keep knocking!
Here is a great example.
Of knocking on the ‘wrong’ door.
Some years ago.
I got an opportunity to sell t-shirts on Amazon.
It was one of those deals where you had to get picked.
And I fortunately, got picked.
The thing is, I don’t wear t-shirts.
So, right from the get-go.
I was off to a bad start.
I’ll spare you all the details.
But, needless to say, I didn’t go well.
I think I sold about twenty t-shirts.
And that was basically to family and friends.
The point is, I knew from the beginning.
It didn’t feel right.
But, I was like, what the hell?
I’ll give it a shot.
I think I did that for about six months.
Then one day, I said to myself.
I’m done.
Time to start knocking on some new doors.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Sometimes you just have to cut your loses.
And move on!

You do realize.
There is a lot more to life.
Than just what you see.
With your eyes.
Things are changing at lightening speed.
You just don’t see it.
So please try.
And keep not only your eyes open.
But your mind as well.
Your life can change in a split second.
Seriously, people forget that.
Life can literally change in a nano-second!!!
Maybe it’s a phone call.
Or an email.
Maybe you run into someone at Target.
Or maybe someone reaches out to you.
Because they saw your latest TikTok.
Do you see where I’m going?
The more you put yourself out there.
The more doors could be opening!
So, you can basically be knocking on doors.
Without actually knocking on them.
See where I’m going here?
Your job in all this.
Is to find the door(s).
That are meant for you. 👈👈👈
And the only way you are going to find “your” door.
Is to knock on as many as you can!
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Keep knocking!
You can do it!
I believe in you!

The Frog’s Den 🐸🐸🐸
It always amazes me.
How quick people are.
To stop knocking on doors.
Like, they knock on a few doors.
They don’t get the results they want.
And then.
They stop knocking entirely.
Let’s say, you want to buy a car.
And let’s say, you have a limited budget.
You call a few places.
Maybe you even visit a few places.
And you find nothing.
So you give up.
Listen, I’m going to tell you something.
That you need to hear.
Hustle needs to be your new best friend.
Listen, you have got to keep knocking on those doors.
Because you don’t know.
Which one will change your life.
Once again, old keys won’t open new doors.
If you truly want to work life’s magic.
All you have to do is get out there.
In the world.
Meet new people.
Go new places.
Create new experiences.
You want new doors?
Go find them.
Back in 2012.
I had no idea what I was doing.
Which I’ve spoken about many times before.
When I started my business.
But, one thing I did know!👈👈👈
I knew for sure that I had to get myself “out there”.
And meet as many people as I could.
I wanted to let as many people know;
Who I was: 👈👈👈
What services I was offering: 👈👈👈
What I was all about:👈👈👈
Did I know what I was doing?
Or how I was going to do that?
I just made it up as I went along.
Is what I continue to do today!
I’ve just gotten better at it!
And, btw.
That’s what most successful people do.
Just winging it on a daily basis!
I’m sure I’ve told you.
Over the years.
I’ve met quite a few people for coffee.
People I met at networking events.
With a follow-up.
Cup of coffee to get to know one another.
Then of course.
There were the countless phone calls.
With complete strangers.
Something I don’t do anymore.
But, back then it was a necessity.

All in the name of.
Getting my name and my business name ‘out there’.
THAT’S one of the ways you find your door.
By knocking on any door.
That sounds like it might be your door.
Even if it’s a long-shot, take it!
Worse thing that can happen.
Wrong door.
And if it’s a wrong door?
Keep knocking!
And if you find yourself.
In a situation where you discover.
It’s definitely not your door.
Get the f*ck out asap!
And don’t be polite about it either.
Just get the f*ck out.
Don’t bother wasting your time.
Don’t make excuses.
Just leave!
Let me ask you?
How much do you know.
About The Rock’s career?
Do you know where he started?
Do you know all the things he tried?
Until he found success?
I mean, real success?
Because he did a lot of things.
That’s what I’m talking about.
He knocked on plenty of doors.
And he will be the first to tell you.
Many of them just did not work for him.
Did that stop him?
From knocking on more doors?
Absolutely not.
It just made him knock on more!
That’s the spirit you need to have!
You never give up on the dream!
But you will have to adjust.
How you are going to get there.
So don’t give up hope.
If something doesn’t work.
It simply wasn’t YOUR door.
That’s the difference.
Between winners and losers.
Winners know they have to keep knocking.
No matter what!
Never give up on your dreams!
No matter how long it takes.
Remember, it’s not a RACE.
It’s a marathon.
So enjoy the journey.
Knock. Knock. Knock.

And this is really important!
Do not let someone else tell YOU.
Which door is yours.
People mean well.
They say things like, ‘oh, you should do this.
Or. “you should do that.”
Only YOU can decide if it is your door.
And you alone.
So, to sum it all up.
Never stop knocking.
Like never.
As I’ve said.
Over the years.
I have knocked on more doors.
Than I can count.
Some doors were good.
And some, not so good.
I would never have found out.
If I hadn’t knocked on the doors.
And I got news for you kids.
Eleven years later.
I’m still knocking on doors!
Because, what did I say earlier?
Old keys won’t open new doors!
What’s in your future?
It’s HERE:
Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!’ – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click link for purchase: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSP3LTJ
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!
“What’s in your future?”
Patricia, once again I loved your blog! Very true words.
Thank you Michael, I’m so glad you liked the blog!
Have a fabulous week!