“So you think you can dance?” (8.9.19)

It’s never, ever too late, Patricia Bokowski… to give thanks in advance for the help you stand in need of, as if you’ve already received it.
Because you just wouldn’t believe how much I can accomplish in no time at all, literally. 
Thanks for listening, 
The Universe / “So you think you can dance?”
See, Patricia Bokowski? It works.
“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs 
So you think you can dance?
Can you believe?
Today is my seven year anniversary in business!
It’s true!
And it’s hard to believe.
That’s it’s only been seven years.
I feel like I have been doing this forever.
Guess that’s how you feel.
When you are doing what you love!
Because, trust me.
If you are going to have your own business.
Make sure it’s something.
You absolutely love.
And are truly passionate about.
Because you are going to be living it 24/7.
So, I have BIG news to share!
I recently opened a shop on Amazon.
As many of my clients are still reluctant to go out shopping.
I decided to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone.
Full disclosure, I make a commission.
New items added daily.
Thank you for shopping with NineFrogs!
Here’s something no one tells you.
Your business becomes your LIFE.
You literally eat, sleep, breathe, dream, your business.
And you really can’t understand that.
Until you live it.
So today.
I am sharing my thoughts.
On business.

Do you know what happens.
When you chase a two year old?
They run away.
So, don’t chase.
Anyone or anything.
Just do you!
It takes time.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
Trust me.
It’s funny how people.
Think they are going to open a business.
And in one year’s time.
They will be a millionaire.
Those are all the people.
Who started a business.
For the wrong reason.
You don’t start a business for the money.
You start it.
Because you’re passionate about it.
Otherwise, what’s the point?
Let me tell you about having your own business.
It’s hard.
Really hard.
Which is probably why so many people quit.
Because it’s so unbelievably hard.

So what does it take.
You might ask?
Also, great amounts of motivation, persistence and patience.
On a daily basis.
Trust me, giving up would be easy.
But, you can’t.
I’ll put it another way.
This whole having your own business thing IS A B*TCH.
But, that’s also where the competition comes in.
Not from anyone else.
From yourself.
At least that’s how I am.
I truly don’t care.
What anyone else is doing.
People ask me who my competition is?
And I can honestly say:  “I don’t know?”
And I mean it.
Don’t know.
Don’t care.
All I know is.
Everyday when I sit at my desk.
I make a conscience decision.
To try and do better.
Than I did yesterday.
And some days I knock it out of the park.
And some days I don’t.
But, make no mistake.
I show up every f*cking day!
No excuses.
Some days.
I find it hard to imagine?
How all this started back in 2012.
I mean.
I literally started from scratch.
Like, there was no NineFrogs!
No one backing me.
No backroom coaching.
No working capital.
No one asking me if I want to be an affiliate.
No one telling me if I sell 25 widgets.
By the end of the month.
I’ll get a bonus.
No, none of that.
Just me.
Now, as a result of all my hard work.
People know who I am.
From all around the world.
Same with the name NineFrogs!
Now, none of that would have happened.
Had I not been working.
Like a crazy person all these years.
Through all kinds of hardships.
Didn’t matter.
I didn’t waiver.
I kept on going.
That’s the thing about entrepreneurship.
It is a never ending journey.
Both of success and failure.
Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes:
 “Fall down seven times, stand up eight”.
Here me out.
If you are doing this thing right.
The one thing.
You should be doing daily.
Is learning.
And failing.
They go hand in hand.
Failing is how you figure out.
So, if you’re not trying.
You’re not growing.
So what’s the lesson:
Always. Be. Learning.
Let me ask you?
Are you on LinkedIn?
The reason I ask.
I’m a big fan of LinkedIn.
In fact.
I am a LinkedIn All-Star (their term, not mine).
LinkedIn is a great way.
To connect with business leaders.
And learn a lot.
Plus, it’s also a great way.
To promote your business.
So, if you don’t have a profile.
Up on LinkedIn.
You should do that today!
You’re welcome.
Networking is another great tool.
To learn about business.
It’s a great opportunity to meet new people.
And, if you do it right.
Make some wonderful connections.
When I first started my business.
I was an avid Networker for a good 3-4 years.
It was a wonderful experience.
And I highly recommend it.

Have you read The Magic of Thinking Big?
Or, How To Win Friends and Influence People?
And, Who Moved My Cheese?
If not.
I highly recommend you read them.
They are chock full of good stuff.
Stuff you really need to know.
Things that will give you a leg-up.
On everyone else.
Who hasn’t read them.
Trust me!

One thing I have learned.
And trust me when I tell you.
I have learned this lesson.
The hard way.
Don’t let yourself ‘burnout’.
Oh yes!
Trust me.
It’s a real thing.
See, there are only so many hours in a day.
And, as an entrepreneur.
You will be enticed.
Into doing much more in a day.
Than a ‘normal’ human being.
It’s truly overwhelming.
That’s why you need to learn.
When to take a break.
As in, get up and walk away.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
And your business won’t be built in a day either.
Burnout is a real thing.
I’ve been through it few times myself.
Remember, great things take time.
Your job right now.
To plant seeds everyday!
Then water them.
Then, give yourself a break.
And go have a glass of water.
The good thing.
About having your own business.
You are your own boss.
The bad thing.
About having your own business.
You are your own boss.
So, depending on how you look at it.
Is either a great thing.
Or, when things aren’t going well.
Not so great.
That’s why you need.
To be able to motivate yourself.
With no boss telling you what to do.
That’s why entrepreneurs are crazy people.
We don’t mind working Saturday nights to finish a project.
And not get paid a penny.
Yeah, that’s the kind of commitment you need to have!
This is the part.
Where I tell you it’s okay to be selfish.
Selfish with your time.
Your energy.
Your space.
Because you need every bit of it.
To do great things.
And you can’t do great things.
Having people take up your time.
In other words.
Don’t be afraid to say no!
Will people be mad?
But, you have to be willing to say no!

“Your spirit is what keeps you going
your attitude is how you show it to the world.”
Kermit the Frog

“Believe, really believe, you can move mountains, and you can. 
Not many people believe that they can move mountains. 
So, as a result, not many do!” 
David J. Schwartz / The Magic of Thinking Big
Spiritualist Within
It’s a constant balancing act.
And YOU are in charge.
In charge of what gets done today.
And, what can wait till tomorrow.
Only, that’s how you pick up the sh*t that ways you down.
So, you have to continually reevaluate what needs to stay.
And what needs to go!
Remember the saying:
“If you want to fly, get rid of everything that weighs you down.”
Isn’t that the truth!
Life as an entrepreneur.
Every day feels like it’s either a Monday or a Friday.
Because, it doesn’t really matter.
We do the same thing every day.
We get up and do the work.
So you think you can dance?
It’s HERE!
Titled:  “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!” – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click the link to purchase your copy today:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6P8FSG3
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!
Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!

“So you think you can dance?”

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