“Who wants to go shopping?” (12.20.18)

“I love crazy shopping panic mall scramble grab n’ go holiday madness gift giving freak out mode.” / Said no one ever! / Who wants to go shopping?

“Stop asking people who have never been where you are going for directions.” – NineFrogs

I LOVE shopping.

Obviously, that’s why I became a Professional Personal Shopper.

And today.

I’m sharing some of my best gift ideas. NineFrogs Daily QUOTE OF THE DAY:

For all budgets.

So wherever you are at.

Remember this tip.

It’s all about creativity.

And remember this.

Not everyone needs, or wants.

A very expense give.

I find, most people.

Love receiving something meaningful.


Who wants to go shopping?

And just because you’re shopping on a budget.

Doesn’t mean it can’t be fun!

When you really think about it.

A present is a present.

Whether it costs $10.00 o $100.00.

It’s the meaning behind it.

TBH, if someone gave me a $10.00 gift card to the Dollar Store.

I’d love it.

And, you guessed it.

I LOVE the dollar store <3

That said.

Here are my suggestions for shopping on a budget:

BEBE Parfum, I bought a few of these for some people on my list as a little something, cost was a little less for $5.00 at TJMaxx! 
And they loved it!
I bought these at Walmart for myself.  It’s hard to tell from the picture, but they are rose gold, and look stunning. If I was giving them as a gift, I would take them off the card, and put them in a nice box, and no one would ever know!
I bought this at TJMaxx, for a little less than $5.00, and I love it, six highlighters!
Have a friend who adores lipstick and you know their favorite color?  Depending on your price range, you can go higher or lower!
Do you have that one friend who’s a little sparkly than most?  Flash tattoos are an amazing gift, cost, less than $10.00!
Is there someone you need to get a gift for with a sweet tooth?  Even one beautiful cupcake makes a great gift! You don’t have to spend a small fortune to give a lovely, heart-felt gift!

Is there a Fashionista on your list who loves to shop?  Pick up my NineFrogs Official Shopping tote-bag, two for $5.00!  A must-have for the Fashionista in your life!

Can you cook or bake?  How about making a nice dinner for someone and dropping it off at their place! Or bake them something you know they like, put it in a nice gift bag!
Lottery Tickets!  Who doesn’t love getting them!  It’s a big thing in our family for both giving and receiving.  Whether you can only afford $1.00, $5.00 or more, trust me, they are always appreciated!

Does the recipient of your gift love wine?  The thing about wine, you can get a bottle for as little as $5.00 and then you can go from there.  Wrap in one of those silver bags with a bow, perfect!

House sitting or Pet sitting.  If you are an animal love and know someone could use your services, that’s absolutely a great gift!
And on the flip side, buy a gift for their dog or cat, they will love you for it!
Stationery.  Somebody gave me this box last year for my birthday, someone who knows me well! And I happen to know they came from TJMaxx!
I love them and everyone who receives one from me loves them as well <3
Have that special someone to get a gift for and can’t think of what do get?  Why not a gift certificate for their very own Personal Shopping Experience with Patricia D. Bokowski of NineFrogs!

Depending upon how big your budge is, here’s my two go-to places for gifts.

TJMaxx (and no, they don’t pay me to say it, although they should).

They usually have a TON of stuff at holiday time.

For women, kids and men.

Now if you are on a really tight budget.

My advice, The Dollar Store.

There is a Dollar Store I shop at for my toiletries that has amazing deals.

Buy a bag at the Dollar Store.

And buy some things you think the recipient would love.

And, they won’t know it came from the Dollar Store.

They will be happy you thought about them.

Know someone who loves chocolate?

Fill the bag up with all chocolate goodies.

I mean, who wouldn’t love that?

And there you have it! 

Gifts for every spectrum of your budget! 

All it takes is a little creativity.

And effort.

You can come up with the perfect gift for everyone on your list!

Who wants to go shopping?

Patricia D. Bokowski / CEO – NineFrogs

Lastly, make sure you follow NineFrogs on TikTok & YouTube – The Frog’s Den – New videos coming soon!

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!

“Who wants to go shopping?”



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