“What’s your summer style?” (8.31.2023)

Most would never admit it, or they hide it from themselves, but everyone can sense God within, Patricia Bokowski.

And once admitted, they can sense God in others.

Go for it!

Β Β The Universe / “What’s your summer style?” / www.tut.com

P.S. Can you feel me now, Patricia Bokowski?

Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs



How’s your vibration these days?

Is it up?

Or, is it down?

Because, if it’s down.

Now is the time to get it up!

I know that sounds silly, and perhaps simple.

But I can’t impress upon you.

How important it is.

So, here my loves.

Are my five suggestions.

On how to raise your vibration today:

  1. Sing, as loud as you can. And no silly love songs. No, we’re talking loud, happy, uplifting songs. Here are some song suggestions to raise your motherf*cking vibration: Tubthumping – Chumbawumba. Best Day Of My Life – American Authors. Boogie Shoes – KC & The Sunshine Band. California Girls – The Beach Boys. We Are The Champions – Queen. Not Afraid – Eminem. Lust For Life – Iggy Pop. All Star – Smash Mouth. All Night Long – The Eagles. Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond.
  2. Move, as in, move as much as you can. If you’re moving a little slower these days, that’s ok, just move as much as you can throughout the day. If you are more on the move, then move it baby, as much as you can as well. Walk, Run, Zumba, Gym, Tennis, Adult Ed Class, Library Class, you get the idea.
  3. Make sure your surroundings make you happy. When you look around wherever you are living RIGHT NOW (that’s an important one, maybe wherever you are is not your dream place, just remember, it’s now, not forever) and if you’re not inspired, change things around. And as always, clean. It’s amazing how a little dusting and moving around of things helps clear the air for better things to come!
  4. Say affirmations. Either Google it and find ones you like. Or, make up your own. My personal favorite (that I made up is) “I am an internationally successful entrepreneur, overflowing with abundance, love and happiness.” I say it to myself all the time, when I’ve driving, cleaning the dishes, in the shower, getting ready in the morning. Again, you are just telling The Universe what you want!
  5. Do something in your life that lights you up! Maybe you work a 9-5 that pays the bills, but doesn’t do anything for you personally. My suggestion: find a hoppy you love, or follow you passion in your off hours. It’s amazing what it can do for you. When I look back on my corporate days (and I’ve written about this before) I wasted so much time. I would come home at night bored out of my mind. I wish I had had the foresight to work on my passion. But honestly, it never entered my mind. So now, I’m reminding YOU! Trust me on this one!

So, I have BIG news to share!

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Remember when I said Summer goes by in the blink of an eye.

I wasn’t kidding.

I cannot believe it’s almost over.

And once again.

I didn’t do all the things I planned.

Anyone else?

I won’t say it was a wash.

I certainly got a lot of things done professionally.

I don’t know.

Maybe that’s the way it was supposed to be?

These days.

I try not to question things.

If I find things start lining up one way.

I go with it.

While also working on my own thing.

Kind of magical balancing act.


I have been in business since 2012.

That’s eleven years.


That is hard to believe.

And yet.

After all that time.

I still feel like I just started.

Ready to lose my sh*t.

On a daily basis.

And hoping to God.

I don’t!

Because I’m telling you.

I am truly winging it everyday πŸ™‚

As I believe most entreprenuers would say.

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Let me ask you?

Are you comfortable being alone?

Because if you’re not.

You should.

Why you ask?

Because when you are comfortable with being alone.

It WILL empower you!

I remember way back when.


I would never dare of going most places.

By myself.

These days, I don’t think twice.

That’s the power of being confident.

In yourself.

And if you don’t know what that feels like?

I highly suggest you give it a go.

Trust me!

And if you need help with that.

Reach out to me!


Unfortunately, I find as women get older.

The more they stifle that girl.

That girl inside them.

That girl that has so much to say.

Yet, they insist on stifling her.

And they don’t let her live her truth.

So today I beg you.

Please don’t be that girl!


The very first time I saw this quote.

My immediate reaction was.

That’s going to be the basis of my book.


And every time I thought of what I’d write.

I would think of that line.

Because quite honestly. β€œHow can I move on?” (9.1.2021)

If those people wanted me to write.

Nice things about them.

They should have treated me.

A WHOLE lot nicer.

Which unfortunately.

They did not.

So I wrote a book:

“How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”

And trust me when I tell you.

The people who I wrote about in my book.

Would not happy about what I wrote.

But that’s what happens.

When you treat people like shit!

Especially when that person is me.

And trust me when I tell you.

Thirteen years ago.

Those people had NO IDEA.

Who I was to become.

Funny how life works!

Click here to purchase your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6P8FSG3


If that isn’t the truth!


What the hell are we doing then?

I’ve learned (the hard way I might add).

That life is too short.

To deal with people.

That aren’t going to lift me higher.

And neither should you!

Just saying.

Those are not the kind of people you need in your life.



That picture says it all!

Who I used to be.


Who I am now!


The hardest part.

About doing something difficult.

Is actually believing you can do it!

Because, let me tell you.

Once you have that part down.

The rest will flow.

BELIEVING you can is half the battle!


For anyone who needs to hear this today.

And I pray this isn’t you!

But if it is.

Here’s the thing.


Like seriously.


You can’t live your life.

On the ground!


Still one of favorite quotes to date.

And I pray you are that woman.

If not.

Start working on that today!

That’s a wrap!

What’s your summer style?

It’s HERE!

Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!” – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!

Available on Amazon in both kindle and paperback.

Click the link to purchase your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6P8FSG3

I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Interested in working with me?


Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!


“What’s your summer style?”


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