Once you make up your mind, Patricia Bokowski, and start something… Once you commit and never look back… Do you have any doubt that I won’t rush to your side? That legions won’t be summoned? That friends won’t be attracted? That connections won’t be made? Circumstances won’t be crafted? Dots won’t be connected? That the course of history won’t be irrevocably changed? Good, I didn’t think so. I’d say you’re ready, The Universe / “What do you need?” / www.tut.com |
“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs
What do you need?
What is it that you wish you had?
I know one thing in particular.
That a lot of people.
Wish they had ‘more of’ these days.
And what is that you may ask?
Well, that would be self-confidence!

And how do you get that?
Again, you may ask?
Well, it’s quite simple.
You need to push yourself.
Out of your comfort zone.
And, push past your fears.
You know.
To do all those things.
You want to do.
But, are afraid to do them.
Yes, those things.
That’s how you get self-confidence!
The kind of self-confidence.
That vibrates off of strangers.
When you walk into a room.

When you have THAT kind of self-confidence.
You can move mountains.
LOTS of them.
You will find yourself.
Doing things.
That ten years ago.
You would have never imagined.
You could do.
That’s exactly how you get.
I have BIG news to share!
I recently opened a shop on Amazon.
As many of my clients are still not ready to go out shopping.
I decided to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone.
Take a look here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs
Full disclosure, I make a commission.
New items added daily.
Thank you for shopping with NineFrogs!
Here’s the thing.
About gaining amazing confidence.
You need two things:
Too feel your best.
To look your best.
Trust me.
Those are your keys to confidence.
Because when you have those two things.
You will have the confidence to do anything.
Your heart desires.
For me.
It was starting my NineFrogs business.
I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing.
I just knew I had to do it!
Listen to me when I tell you:
I had no f*cking idea what I was doing.
But, I was confident enough.
To know I would figure it out!
As I said earlier.
The more you push your own limits.
The more you stretch yourself.
The farther you can go.
And, for the record.
There are no limits.
Only the ones we put on ourselves.

True story:
This was probably five or six years ago.
This guy (big social media guy).
Had this last minute get-together in NYC.
You had to apply.
And if you were picked.
He gave you the address.
And it was literally the following day.
I entered and was picked.
So the next day.
I hopped on the train into NYC and went to this event.
It was a Happy Hour (he paid for the entire thing).
I never did get to meet him.
But I did meet some very interesting people.
Needless to say.
I went by myself.“Do you believe me now?” (8.25.2021)
Didn’t even think about it.
Now let me tell you.
That never would have happened.
Prior to me starting my business.
Like never!
That’s what.
Super confidence can do for you!
So how do you get that kind of self-confidence?
You work at it everyday!
Pushing yourself.
Trying new things.
Getting totally out of your comfort zone.
Working on being the best version.
Of YOU that there is.
And, here’s the thing.
It doesn’t happen over night.
It is something you work at daily.
And, you do that for the rest of your life.
Taking chances.
On things you never would have before.
Doing things that other’s wouldn’t dream of doing.
Only now you can.
Because you have the self-confidence to do it!
THAT kind of confidence!
I can’t stress this one enough!
Because it is so true!
To get those BIG wins in life.
You need to possess a tremendous amount of b*lls!
Listen, ten years ago.
I never would have gone.
To a networking event alone.
Ten years ago.
I never would have given a speech to a room full of people.
Ten years ago.
I never thought I would have.
A business where I take people shopping!
Ten years ago.
I never thought people would pay me.
To help them grow their social media.
Ten years ago.
I never would have dreamed.
That people would pay me to help them look and feel better!
But guess what?
Now I do all of those things.
And a lot more:
I’ve been interviewed on the radio numerous times.
I’ve been interviewed on many podcasts.
I just recently published a book on Amazon.
I’m a Fashion/LifeStyle Blogger.
All these things were a pipe dream years ago.
Let me ask you?
Do you think I even thought.
That one day, someone would want to interview me?
Like, me?
No, I never even entertained the thought.
Until one day someone called me.
And said they wanted to interview me.
For a radio station in Florida.
I was like “me?”
That’s what happens when you don’t give up on yourself.
That’s what happens when you have self-confidence.
You don’t give up!
Even on the days.
When it feels like ‘nothing’ is happening.
You just keep going!

I’ve told this story before.
But it’s worth repeating.
I don’t even think I had officially started my business.
At the cusp of launching it.
Networking was on my to-do list.
And I was NOT looking forward to starting.
The idea of walking into a room full of strangers.
Didn’t sit well with me.
But, I had been advised by many.
If I wanted to get my name.
And my business name ‘out there’.
I had to go network.
At the time.
I couldn’t even fathom going anywhere by myself.
Let alone, to a place with a bunch of strangers.
I bought a ticket to a networking event.
I believe it was $15.00.
I figured, if I bought a ticket.
I would actually go.
And I did.
I sat in the parking lot.
For a good ten minutes before I went in.
I told myself.
Actually, I made a bargain with myself.
I just needed to talk to one person.
Get their business card.
And give them mine.
And then I could leave.
As I entered the room of strangers.
I scanned the room for someone to talk to.
And I noticed a lady who had a table.
And she had a quite a lot of people around her.
She’s my person I told myself. NineFrogs Daily QUOTE OF THE DAY:
So, I walked over to her table.
And I just kind of hung around her table.
Kind of blended in with the crowd.
Because I literally did not know what else to do.
Anyway, she had noticed me.
As soon as everyone was gone.
She looked at me and said:
“ok pretty lady, who are you and what do you do?”
I was so relieved.
And the rest as they say is history.
And if you can believe it?
Two years later.
People were paying ME to network for THEM.👈👈👈
How crazy is that?
I’ll say it again.
I cannot stress this enough.👈👈👈
What self-confidence can do for your life!
Both personally AND professionally.
It is the stuff you need to make those big dreams come true!

Confidence, not cockiness! There is a difference!

EVERYONE deserves to have self-confidence!
Including you!
So what are you doing today to get you there?
It all starts with you!
What do you need?
Have you heard?
I wrote a book!
Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click the link to purchase your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSP3LTJ
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Lastly, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – The Frog’s Den! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliVgDpn8Yw3eVjiX_yI6Vw
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare! Make it worth their while!

“What do you need?”