It doesn’t take much, Patricia Bokowski, to surround yourself with good friends, good times, and big bucks. In fact, it doesn’t take anything at all. Visualize. For added effect, affirm. And to really spice things up, enjoy the wait. Tallyho, ho, ho – The Universe / “Shine on!” / |
“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs
Anyone who knows me.
Knows I am all about the bling!
Hell, I even sparkle when I go to the gym.
To me, what’s the point of dressing.
If you can’t bring a little sparkle.
With you wherever you go!
So imagine how happy I was.
When I stumbled across this amazing elixir called “Shimmer” by Margaret Dabbs.
It is the most luxurious body oil.
With the sheer hint of golden glitter.
When you put it on your skin.
The oil glistens and feels amazing.
And then, you see the ever so slight glitter.
Glistening off your skin.
And if you are anything like me.
It feels like heaven.
Bonus if you a tan.
It looks even more fabulous!
Best part, cost $5.99.
Shine on!
Have you heard?
I wrote a book!
Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click the link to purchase your copy today:
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!
Lastly, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – The Frog’s Den!
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today –
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!
“Shine on!”