“Let me work on that!” (4.28.2020)

Laced throughout every day of your life, Patricia Bokowski, are hidden highways of opportunity, invisible crossroads of time, and avenues for great personal transformation that, if only traveled upon, would reveal the extraordinary, the sublime, and the unexpected.

Yet most slip by undetected until there is first a childlike wonder at the ordinary, the routine, and the expected.

Hot diggity-dog,
  The Universe
/ “Let me work on that!”
Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO &
Founder – NineFrogs

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” NineFrogs

“Never give in – never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small,

large or petty, never give in except to convictions

of honor and good sense.  

Never yield to force;

never yield to the apparently

overwhelming might of the enemy!”

– Winston Churchill

Let me work on that!

You hear that all the time.

“I’m working on it.”

We’re all ‘working on it’.

Aren’t we?

Working on whatever.

It’s what we do.

And it’s not easy.

But if you’re determined.

If you’re motivated.

If you’re so inclined

You’ll make it happen.

Otherwise, what I’ve seen happen.

To many people.

Is they slip up.

And do the LAST thing.

You want to do.

And that is.

Go down the rabbit hole.

Because once you do that.

Many have a tough time.

Getting out.

And, as if that wasn’t bad enough.

It knocks you back.

Five paces in the blink of an eye!

The real problem here.

As I see it.

Is a lot of people.

So I have BIG news to share!

I recently opened a shop on Amazon.

As many of my clients are still reluctant to go out shopping.

I decided to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone.

Take a look: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Full disclosure, I make a commission.

New items added daily.

Thank you for shopping with NineFrogs!

Cnorialy Frog Headband Hat Cute Crochet Knitted Headband Outdoors Big Eye Frog Cap Earflap Ear Protective
Link below to purchase on Amazon


Can’t get back up.

After falling.


We all fall.

The question is?

Will you get back up?

Trust me.

I’ve been there.

More times than I can count.

But, I have ALWAYS gotten back up.

I know.

Getting up again is not easy.

Let’s face it.

We all have our breaking point!  

Only, when you are on.

Your path to success.

There are bound to be set-backs and failures.

Unfortunately, that’s just how life works!


You just have keep going!

Never settle for mediocre.

Seriously, never settle.

Here’s another thing.

If you feel restless in your life.

That’s because.

You know.

You are meant for more.

So please.

Don’t stop.

Don’t wait for a better day.

Don’t give up.

Don’t say, ‘I’ll get back to it when I feel better’.

Don’t say, ‘It’s too hard’.

Don’t say, ‘I can’t do this’.

Because you can.

When we are born.

It seems as if.

We are born with a tremendous amount of energy.

And a healthy does of enthusiasm towards life.

Like look at any two-year old.

They never stop moving.

Always on the go!

More energy than most adults.

But then this thing happens.

See, over the years.

A lot of that enthusiasm goes away.

As well as your energy.

So, unless you catch yourself.

You might find yourself.

Free falling into oblivion.

Don’t let that happen to you!

Remember determination?

Because it feels like a lot of people.

Have lost theirs.

But, here’s the thing, it’s still in you.

You just have to work at it!

Like everyday.

It doesn’t just happen.

Remember the quote from Zig Ziglar:

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.

Well, neither does bathing…that’s why we recommend it daily.”

I’ve said this before.

When I started my business.

Back in 2012.

I had no idea what I was doing.

Seriously, none.

I just knew I wanted to do it.

So, and I’m being super honest here.

It took me some time to find my groove.

I think my turning point came.

When I met this women for lunch.

She was a very well-known business professional.

And she told me something that day at lunch.

That I will never forget.

She told me, and I’m paraphrasing here.

That you need to “eat, sleep and breathe your business”.

And you know what?

After that.

I got it.

And life has never been the same.

That’s it, isn’t it?

Getting out of your comfort zone.

Because as we all know by now.

That’s where the magic happens.

And I can tell you.

That over the years.

That has certainly been the case for me.

Doing the things that scared the sh*t out of me.

Yet after I did them.

I was so proud of myself.

Let’s be honest.

Coming out of your comfort zone is scary.

Taking risks is scary.

Doing things you’ve never done is scary.

But here’s the thing.

You will NEVER find out.

What you are made of.

Unless you push yourself.

To do those scary things.

Trust me on this one!

You know what?

That’s what it really comes down to.

Do you want to go after your dreams?

Or, are you willing to sacrifice them?

I’m going to leave you with this quote:

“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want.

Then what you want becomes the sacrifice.”

Something to think about!

Life is short.

Don’t give up on your dreams.

Time is going to pass anyway.

Might as well make it count.

That’s a wrap!

Let me work on that!

It’s HERE!

“How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!” – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!

Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.

Click the link to purchase your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSP3LTJ

I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

And lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Interested in working with me?


Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!

“Let me work on that!”



Comments (2)

  1. Milly April 29, 2020
    • Patricia Bokowski April 30, 2020

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