Happiness isn’t a destination, Patricia Bokowski, it’s a realization that things couldn’t possibly get any better than having the freedom to perceive as you please and to think as you choose, in a magical, adoring Universe. Happy, The Universe / “Let it all go!” / www.tut.com |
“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs

Let it all go!
Here’s the thing.
When it comes to your happiness.
I notice things.
Like everything!
One thing in particular I am noticing these days.
That there are far too many.
Unhappy people out there.
I think we all see it..
I see it every time I go to 7-11.
People who have given up.
You can see it in their faces ;-(
They way they walk.
Their entire body language.
Says: I’m done!
Here’s something people need to understand:
Waiting for life to be perfect to be happy! 👈👈👈
Because THAT my friends is never going to happen!
Just look at what’s happening.
In the world these days.
But, that is still!
Not a reason to not be happy!
We need to normalize.
The fact.
That you can be happy.
And not have your sh*t together.
I hear so many people.
With so many excuses.
How NOT to be happy.
Like, “Patti, with what’s going on in the world.
How can I be happy?”
I’ve said this many times before.
The world has always had sh*t happening.
Just look at history.
Do you think your.
Great-grandparents weren’t happy?
Trust me.
They found a way.
To be happy!
Here’s a little nugget on the benefits of being happy.
It makes you think better!
Absolutely true!
It’s extremely hard.
To think “better” when you’re unhappy.
Don’t believe me?
Next time you aren’t happy.
Try solving a problem, successfully.
Absolute proven fact.
Maybe not a proven scientific fact.
But, you get my point!
When you are happy.
You absolutely “think” better!
Which puts you.
In a much better situation.
To solve any problems.
That come your way.
The benefits of being ‘happy’ .
Far out way, NOT being happy!
So, choose happiness.
Every f’ing day!
Want to be really happy?👈👈👈
Take risks.
Push yourself.
Come out of your comfort zone.
See what you’re made of!
If it works out YOU WON👈👈👈
And if it doesn’t, you learned a lesson!
And that my friends is…
Another reason why so many people.
Are so unhappy.
They keep doing the same sh*t.
Day in.
Day out.
Doing the same sh*t.
That makes them unhappy?
So, here’s my advise.
Be creative.
Try something new!
Go find your happiness!
Here’s the thing you need to know.
All roads that lead to happiness.
May not look like the road you thought?
Which again.
Is why you need to take chances.
Ever meet someone new.
And you click immediately!
Yet, you say to yourself.
This person is so NOT my type.
Guess what?
Give it a try.
Because you never know.
Ever offered a great opportunity?
Something you never would have thought of?
And yet.
It is brought to you.
On a whim.
And you are unsure if you should take it?
Take it👈👈👈
If there is a slight bit of chance.
That it’s going to make you happy.
Choose it!
Don’t worry about!
What other’s might think.
Of YOUR choices!
Your happiness.
Your life.
Your choice!
Want to be happy?
Smile 🙂
You knew I was going to say it 🙂
Every person you see today.
Give ’em a big ole smile.
Whether you feel like it or not!👈👈👈
And I don’t care if you have to fake it.
Do it anyway.
The sheer act of smiling.
Will make you happy(ier).
Once you see everyone smiling back.
It will make you happy.
It’s like a whole catch 22 thing going on.
So, you heard it from me!
Get happy!
Remember how Robin Williams?
Made us laugh.
And not just a little.
He made us laugh ALOT!
Because he knew.
He knew how it felt NOT to not be happy.
Little did we know.
He was fighting his own demons.
But that didn’t stop him.
He put everything in his power to entertain us.
And he did it so beautifully.
A perfect example.
Of how you can be happy.
Even when your life.
Isn’t perfect!
You literally owe it to yourself!
To find your happiness today.
In case you lost it.
And if you haven’t.
I’m proud of you <3
I’ve told this story before.
I call it my deli story.👈👈👈
It was a hot summer day.
And I went to get some cold cuts.
At the deli counter of my local grocery store.
I recognized the guy behind the counter.
And gave him a little smile 😉
He looked at me like his dog had died.
He looked REALLY sad ;-(
I asked him how his day was going.
And he answered ‘miserable.’
Me being me.
I was like.
I have to get this guy smiling 🙂
So, I gave him my order.
And then we got to talking:
Him: What can I get you?
Me: Half pound of American Cheese please?
Him: What kind, Boars Head or the one on sale?
Me: Well, I don’t know, you’re the expert here, you pick 😉
Him: (He started to crack a little smile), you’re right, I am the expert here…
By the time he was done with my order.
He was smiling.
As I was about to walk away.
I said to him:
“I hope the rest of your day gets better”.
He looked at me and said:
‘it already is”.
That’s what I’m talking about👈👈👈
And guess what?
We both were smiling!
Are you looking at me?
So many people forget that.
You have the power.
If someone is being a negative-nelly to you.
Have them removed.
If there is a situation that bothers you.
Fix it.
Get out of it.
There is no one.
No thing.
Worth your happiness.
That’s a BIG one.
I read this recently:
“If you are driving your Mercedes to a job you hate.“
I’m pretty sure Gary Vee said that.
Money does not equal happiness.
Go get happy!
I’m going to say it.
One more time!
Do not put the keys to your happiness.
In someone else’s pocket.
So important!
We’ve all been there.
And if your like me.
You learned the hard way.
The really hard way.
Which is why I say.
Never again.
Don’t do it!
Let it all go!
Have you heard?
I wrote a book!
Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”
Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.
Click the link to purchase your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSP3LTJ
I cannot wait for you guys to read it!
Lastly, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel – The Frog’s Den! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliVgDpn8Yw3eVjiX_yI6Vw
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!
“Let it all go!”