“Keep the faith!” (12.4.17)

You see, Patricia Bokowski, there’s a choice for all who aspire to live in abundance that only the wisest ever perceive. 
You can visualize a life in which you possess fabulous wealth. 
You can visualize a life in which you are creatively fulfilled, with fantastic friends, dancing in the marketplace… and you possess fabulous wealth. 
Do you see the oh-so-subtle difference? 
I see you as the dancing sort, 
  The Universe / “Keep the faith!” / www.tut.com

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs

Keep the faith!

Listen to me.

I don’t care.

If you believe in God, The Easter Bunny or Winnie the Pooh.

As long as you got faith in something.

Something that is bigger than you.

Because in case you forgot.

We ALL need to have a little faith.

And some days.

More than a little.

Because some days.

That may be all you have.

On those days

When life pulls the rug.

Right from under your feet.

Leaving you breathless.

Afraid and anxious.

I know.

It’s happened to me.

More than once.

And guess what?

I’m still here!

Keep the faith!

So, I did it!

I opened a shop on Amazon.

Check it out:  https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone!

Full disclosure, I make a commission.

New items are added daily.

Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!

Remember that.

Most of the time.

It’s not a punishment.

But rather a blessing.

Trust me.

Years ago.

There was this Timex commercial.

And it went like this:

“Takes a beating, and keeps on ticking!”

That’s you and me.

Because you see.

I believe in us.

In whatever it is.

We are doing.

And I have faith.

That we’re on the right track.

No matter what you’re going through.

No matter how many storms you’ve weathered.

I know in my heart.

You will be taking flight very soon!

And you know how I know that?

Blind faith baby!


I have always thought ‘bigger picture’.

And when you have BIG dreams.

That’s exactly HOW you have to think!

So, today I’m sharing.

Some important insights.

I’ve learned along the way.

Things that I believe.

Are important in life.


That’s so true.


There is a difference.

Between confidence.

And cocky.

One makes people feel good.

The other, does not.

Be that confident person!

How to look good at the gym?


Some of us care.

Here you go.

A little bit of makeup goes a long way.

A dab of lipstick/lipgloss/chapstick works.

Hairspray or gel works wonders!

Don’t forget your earrings.


Even at the gym.

Trust me.

The last think you want to do.

Is run into someone at the gym.

And you look like sh*t

Yeah.“Why you need to think different!” (8.1.17)

We’ve all been there.

Don’t let it happen again!

Men, socks and sandals do not go. 

Under any circumstances, under any weather conditions.  Please stop!

Trust me when I tell you, you are not impressing ANYONE with this look☝☝☝

And the worst part, I see more and more men doing this 😑😑😑

 SMILE 😉 the one thing you can always do to make yourself look great!

Expect the unexpected!👈👈👈


This happened to me recently.

I had a phone call scheduled for 10:00am.

With someone I had never spoke with before.

So that morning.

I was busy cleaning up around the house.

See, I work from home.

So, I’m doing the dishes and such.

It was about 9:50am.

When all of a sudden I was like.

I should check my e-mails.

To make sure our CALL is still on.

I log on to my computer.

And sure enough.

There is an e-mail.

From this person and it says:

“Hey, instead of a phone call.

Let’s make it a ZOOM call!”

I was horrified!

I hadn’t taken a shower.

No makeup, no nothing.

And if that wasn’t bad enough.

I didn’t even have a Zoom account.

I reply back, sure.

Just give me a minute.

To set up my account.

So I do that.

Then I run to the bathroom.

Look in the mirror.

To see what I can fix in like a minute.


I do the best I can.

It’s truly amazing.

What you can accomplish in 60 seconds.


I pulled myself together.

Connected with the person on the Zoom call.

Apologized for not looking ‘my best’.

She was very cool.

Told me I looked great!

And we actually had a great call.


At the end of the day.


The best thing you can have.

Is a great sense of humor 😉

And a sh*tload of faith!

That’s a wrap!

Keep the faith!

It’s HERE!

Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”

Available now on Amazon in paperback and kindle.

Click the link to purchase your copy today:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BMSP3LTJ

I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Interested in working with me?


Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs – People will stare.  Make it worth their while!

“Keep the faith!”



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