“Tell me this isn’t it?” (3.13.2021)

The long and short of it goes something like this… 
When one stops looking for the quick and easy way, Patricia Bokowski, and just deals with what’s already on their plate, the quick and easy way soon finds them. 
That one makes me hungry,   The Universe / “Tell me this isn’t it?” / www.tut.com

Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs

NineFrogs on @TikTok

Tell me this isn’t it?


That’s how I used to feel!


That was of course before I started my business.

I was so tired of living.

That mediocre life.

When I knew there was so much more.

Out there for me.

Things to do.

Places to explore.

People to meet.

Passions to fulfill.

Dreams to make happen.

Someplace to use my magic.

And share it with the world.

So, I did it!

I opened a shop on Amazon.

Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds with everyone!

Full disclosure, I make a commission.

New items are added daily.

Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!

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Link below to order earrings on Amazon!


NineFrogs on @TikTok

Not that going from the Corporate World.

To having my own business was an easy transition.

I had spent over twenty years working for Cablevision.

Until one day I wasn’t.

More on that in my book:

How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!”

Anyway, it was a process.

A very LONG one at that.

But, as I have said before.

Like the best decision I could.

Have made for myself.

And, along the way I have learned.

A thing or two.

On navigating life.

And how if you do it right.

It makes it that much easier.

And will lead to more success.

NineFrogs on @TikTok

These suggestions are pretty straight forward.


And don’t cost a thing.

Except time.

If you truly want to change your world.

I don’t know how to make it any clearer.

You need to start doing things differently.

Because, as the saying goes:

“Old keys won’t open new doors.”

Believe me when I tell you.

It is not lost on me.

That as I write this blog.

We are in the middle of a pandemic.

But quite honestly.

Same rules apply.

You just have to adjust the sails as they say!

Here we go:


Yes, I know we’re all wearing masks.

Yes, I know it’s kind of hard to tell.


Trust me.

You can tell.

Here’s a true story that happened to me:

This happened months ago.

Probably in the Fall.

I was sitting in my car.

In a parking lot (my son was in getting his hair cut).

I had my window open.

I see this lady pull up to her car.

And she starts putting her groceries in her car.

I look over at her.

I smile.

Because I’m sitting in my car.

So obviously, I had no mask on.

She sees me.

Kind of looks over.

And then turns away.

I’m like, ok?

I go back to scrolling on my phone.

Not thinking twice about what just happened.

All of a sudden I hear:

“Hey, look, I’m smiling.”

And there’s my lady.

No mask on.

BIG smile on her face.

I say to her: ‘you just made my day.”

She looks and me and says: “you just made mine.”

People can tell.

Trust me!


I cannot emphasize this one enough.

Before you step out your door in the morning.

Take a quick look in the mirror and ask yourself.

Is this the image I want to show the world today?

Looking and feeling your best👈👈👈

Are signs of self-confidence.


When you have self-confidence.

You can do things.

You never would have imagined!

Bonus points.

People can feel your self-confidence.

And you will attract others to you.


This is SO important.

Especially now.

If you are looking to build trusting relationships.

Look people in the eye.

Both, when talking AND listening.

People want to be heard.

And not just with your ears.

Needless to say.“How to make money!” (8.9.19)

Since we’re all wearing masks these days.

Eye contact is super important.


Dale Carnegie wrote about this often in his writings.

The simple act of complimenting others.

Just the fact.

That you get to make another person’s day.

And, make them feel better.

You receive the residual affect.

Of feeling better for the act of doing it.

Read that again!


YOU will feel better.

Because YOU got to make some else’s day!

And trust me.

That is ONE of the BEST feelings in the world!


Even if it’s Chapstick.


Personally, I don’t understand how anyone.

Can be happy without lipstick in their life 🙂

I literally live for my pink lipstick!


Lipstick and Happiness.

Go hand-in-hand in my world.


That’s why I’m always so happy!


If there is one thing.

The pandemic has shown me.

Is this.

Life is too short.

To spend time with people.

Who don’t make you feel like sunshine.


You should feel the same way!

You know what they say?

“If your circle isn’t clapping for you.

Get a new circle.”👈👈👈


In past blogs.

I would have said.

Exercise Daily.

As in, hit the gym.


Since that is a touchy subject these days.

Everyone has an opinion!


That doesn’t mean you stop moving.

Do whatever it is you can.

To move about every day.

Take the stairs.

Park as far away.

As you can.

From wherever you are going.

So you can get.

A few extra steps in.

Or, go for a walk.

Or, a run if that’s your thing.

The point is, keep moving👈👈👈

Not only does moving and exercise.

Keep you happy.

It also keeps you younger.



It’s a win/win!


Whether it’s a tree or your grandmother.

Be it your significant other.

Your kids or your pet.

It’s good for your heart and soul.

And again, I know things are different.

But, you can work around it.

I saw my friend the other day.

Who works at Home Depot.

We got to chat for a few minutes.

And then.

As I was saying good bye to her.

She gave me big air hug 🤗🤗🤗

It was the cutest thing ever.

Where there’s a will.

There’s a way!


In everything you do.

With everyone you come in contact with.

Both personal and business.

There is nothing worse than a fake.


Most people can smell one a mile away.

Be genuine with your acts, words, smile and feelings.

That how you know you are in your flow.

In summary.

I know there will be people.

Who will read my list.

And say:

“Sorry Patti, but none of those work for me.”

And then wonder?

Why life isn’t working for them?


Everything comes down to mindset.

Just remember.

It’s your choice.

So choose wisely!

That’s a wrap!

Tell me this isn’t it?

It’s HERE!

Titled: “How One Landscaping Bill Changed Everything!” – A Whistleblower’s Tale of Lies, Deceit & Betrayal!

Available on Amazon in paperback and kindle.

Click the link to order your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C6P8FSG3

I cannot wait for you guys to read it!

Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Interested in working with me?


Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!

“Tell me this isn’t it?”



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