Through you, through you, through you, Patricia Bokowski…
The magic works through you. Not beside you. Not around you. Not for you. Not despite you. But through you!
You have to go there. You have to choose your stage. You have to do your dance. Putting yourself in place, to any degree that you can, even if it scares you, even when it’s “hard,” even if it’s just your big toe. Stretch yourself, scoff at the odds, get the ball rolling so that the magic can then come alive and sweep you off your feet with its infinite grace and glory.
You wouldn’t just carry around the seeds for the garden of your dreams in your pocket, all the while asking where your flowers were? Nope, you’d have to brave the elements, you’d have to choose the location, and then you’d have to go there.
Your life is your wand (or hoe),Β Β Β The Universe / “It all comes down to this!” /
“I used to walk into a room full of people and wondered if any of them liked me.
Now I walk into the room and wonder if I like them?” – NineFrogs
How can I be more confident?
A question I get asked all the time!
Or, put another way.
If it was easy everyone would do it!
Everyone would do it!
Listen, truth here.
It’s the hard that makes it GREAT!
That’s right.
That’s how it works.
So, stop procrastinating.
And just start.
You deserve it!
You deserve to live an amazing life.
And, you deserve to shed.
The mediocre lifestyle.
And instead.
Let The Universe.
Do her thing.
On your behalf.
Yes, that’s how it works.
So I did it!
I opened a shop on Amazon.
Check it out:
As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone!
Full disclosure, I make a commission.
New items are added daily.
Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!
What does it mean.
To be an entrepreneur?
It means.
You would rather work 80 hours.
For yourself.
And make $1.00.
Than work 40 hours.
For someone else.
And make $1,000.00.
That is the sign.
Of a true entrepreneur. πππ
We are a crazy bunch.
We don’t live between the lines.
We create new ones.
You think we are sitting.
Watching TV at night.
But really, we are thinking?
What is my next project?
Our brains never go off.
We are continually.
“On the clock.”
Self-confidence for the win!
The lottery people are always telling us:
“you have to be in it to win it.”
Same goes for being an entrepreneur.
You have to be ALL in it to WIN it!
And with both feet, dug deep.
It’s not for everyone.
In fact, it’s really.
Just a small group.
Who can handle,
The lifestyle.
So ask yourself:
Is this for me?
THEY say:
“opportunity dances with those.
who are already on the dance floor.”
I agree.
Make a decision!
And start!
Trust me when I tell you.
You will be so happy you did!

Stay in the game.
Even on the days.
You feel like you are losing.
Let me tell you.
When I first started blogging.
I felt like I was blogging.
To a giant black hole.
I felt like nobody was reading my blogs.
But, that didn’t stop me from blogging.
I kept at it, religiously.
That’s the kind of mindset.
You need to have.
And here’s a little nugget.
Having that kind of self-confidence.
Helps on the bad days.
Helps you think better.
Helps you handle the stress.
I for one.
Have trained my mind.
Was it easy?
Was it worth it?
I just told myself.
I have to get out of my comfort zone.
And just do it.
And, if I suck, I suck.
I just try harder next time!

Kermit the FrogπΈπΈπΈ
As I like to remind people.
Everyone starts at the zero!
Like everyone.
So, there’s no use pouting.
And sitting on your couch.
Looking at your dream board.
Hoping and wishing.
Your dream(s) will come true.
Because, if that’s all you’re going to do.
You’re going to get no where.
What you need to do.
Is take action.
As much as possible.
To the extent you can.
Taking action on a daily basis.
Towards your dream.
That’s how you get ahead.
Remember, success can’t reach you.
If you aren’t in the game!
I repeat that statement often.
Because it’s so important.
You have to be ‘in the game’.
As much as possible.
On a daily basis.
Taking risks.
Trying new things.
Yeah, like that!
How can I gain more self-confidence?

Let me tell you this.
Behind the scenes, it is working.
You just can’t see it.
That’s how The Universe works.
You keep taking baby steps.
The Universe is taking giant steps.
Just remember.
It doesn’t happen overnight!
You have to keep working.
At it everyday.
And eventually.
You’ll see signs of growth.
And all your hard work.
Will start a paying off.
Here’s the thing.
And this is REALLY super important.
Like, you have to stop talking about it.
And actually start.
This is the part.
That trips a lot of people up.
I know.
It took me twelve years.
To write my first book.
But, now that I’ve done it.
I’m already working on my second.
Don’t be like me.
Do it now!
That’s how winners do it.
They don’t quit!
They keep going.
Even when things are HARD.
Reaching true success is anything but easy!
But, the winners know that!

That’s right.
It’s the HARD.
That makes it great!
Let me tell you something.
You so have what it takes.
To do AMAZING things.
To go after your dreams.
You have everything.
In you right now to start.
Even if you think you don’t.
I’m telling you you do.
So what’s your excuse?
Need more knowledge.
Need more time.
Need more money.
Those are just excuses.
What you need is a vision .
Backed with guts and determination.
And you are half-way there!
That’s it!
There’s your plan.
Start today!
I can’t tell you when success will find you.πππ
But I can tell you when it won’t.
When you decided the game was too hard and quit!
The secret to success is failing and then failing again even harder.
But, you learn how to stay in the game.
Even on the days you don’t want to.
I have personally fallen more times than I can count.
And yet, here I am, still in the game.
Still succeeding.
Baby steps and baby gains.
And I take everyone I can get, and relish it.
Stay in the game and play to win!
That’s a wrap!
It all comes down to this!

Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon –
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today –!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon.
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!
“It all comes down to this!”