It won’t matter that 10,000 doors might be slammed in your face, Patricia Bokowski, because when door number 10,001 flies open, revealing pathways of jade and gardens of love with flowers dancing, fountains sparkling, friends blushing, moonbeams glowing, and abundance abounding, you’ll completely forget about all the other doors.
Happens all the time,
Β Β The Universe / “How’s work?” /
P.S. Knock, knock, Patricia Bokowski!

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs

How’s work?
The age-old question?
Because, so many.
Have the best intentions on doing something.
But then.
For some insane reason.
Find a way to f*ck it up.
And not do it.
Happens all the time.
We have the best intentions of doing something.
And yet, somehow we manage.
To get in our own way.
And stop ourselves from doing it.

Click HERE to order swimsuit on Amazon!πππ
We over think it.
Fill our heads with doubt.
Come up with a million reasons.
Why it won’t work.
And we all do it.
The question is?
Can you overcome it?
That’s the trick.
And let me tell you.
If you can overcome it.
Your life will change!
Trust me!
So I did it!
I opened a shop on Amazon!
Check it out:
As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone!
Full disclosure, I make a commission.
New items are added daily.
Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!
Click HERE to order bikini on Amazon! πππ

So, I’m here today to tell you:
Stop doing that!!!
We think too much.
And then we miss the magic.
Miss the very thing.
That we wanted to make happen!
And while we’re at it.
Stop listening to other people.
Who rarely have your best interest at heart anyway.
Trust me.
And another thing.
Stop giving away your power.
Not only do you lose your power.
You lose your happiness as well.

Kermit the FrogπΈπΈπΈ
How many times have you wanted to do something?
Only to talk yourself out of it?
For whatever reason.
That’s called getting in your own way.
It’s called over-thinking.
You have so much potential.
Only most people barely use an ounce of it.
Because they keep rationalizing why they can’t!
Also called Imposter Syndrome.
You have to get over the idea.
You can literally do anything.
You put your mind and heart into.
It’s just most people won’t.
Sad but true.

When I first started my business back in 2012.
I had so many people telling me.
What I should or shouldn’t do.
I was so overwhelmed.
Who was right?
And who was wrong?
Who’s advice should I take?
So, after thinking it through.
I decided to take my own advice!
And do what I wanted to do.
Whether they thought I was crazy or not!
And trust me.
Most thought I was crazy.
And I’m sure.
Still do.
Now ask me if I care?
You already know that answer!

I mean.
When you think about it.
Isn’t that the reason you start your own business.
To do things the way you want.
And not what others want?
Sure, freedom is a big reason.
Following your passion is another.
But ultimately for me.
I wanted to have my own business!
And make my own decisions.
Do the things I love to do.
Help the people I want to help.
Be free of anyone telling me what to do.
And how to do it.
Having my own business.
Has given me so many opportunities.
I never would have had.
Had I not started it.
I’ve met so many people.
That I never would have met.
Starting my own business.
Was a gate-way to a new world for me.
And if it’s something you are considering.
I think you should really consider it.
It could be the thing you have been longing for.
And it could be a life-changer for you as well.

Kermit the Frog πΈπΈπΈ
So what is it you want to do?
I mean REALLY want to do?
What’s the thing?
That you’ve had rattling around.
In the back of your head?
Only you come up with a hundred reasons WHY .
It won’t work!
You do know?
There’s a reason it’s there.
So here’s the thing.
If that’s you.
You need to reverse your thinking!
Start thinking:
“What can I do today to make that “thing” a reality?”
And then do it!
It’s that simple!
We were all born with so much potential.
Use yours today!
So, what have I been trying to tell you:
Stop letting other people tell you.
What you can and can’t do!
Because if you let them, they will.
You have all the potential in the world.
Do something amazing!
Let me tell you.
To do so!
I promise you!
That’s it!
How’s work?


Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon:
Interested in working with me?
Shoot me an email today –!
That’s a wrap!
Talk soon,
Patricia <3 always
NineFrogs ~ People will stare. Make it worth their while!

“How’s work?“