“Eat that frog!” (6.26.17)

Today, Patricia Bokowski, you are a magnet… 
for infinite abundance, divine intelligence, and unlimited love.
You were born “on,”  The Universe / “Eat that frog!” / www.tut.com
Patricia D. Bokowski – CEO & Founder – NineFrogs

“You only look crazy until it works, then you’re a genius!” – NineFrogs

Eat that frog!

Yes, I said it.

You think I’m crazy.

Don’t you?

I mean?

Eat a frog?

What does that even mean?

And eat the bigger one first?

What’s that about?


What is this craziness you speak of?

So today we are talking procrastination.


Your quest.

To get over it.

A simple rule of thumb.

Is to do the one thing.

You dread the most.

The first thing in the morning.

And if you have two things you to do.

Do the bigger of the two first.

Mark Twain referred to this as:

“eat a frog!”

So, I did it!

I opened a shop on Amazon!

Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

As a Personal Shopper, I now get to bring my favorite fashion finds to everyone!

Full disclosure, I make a commission.

New items are added daily!

Thank you in advance for shopping with NineFrogs!

Feng Shui Money Frog, Lucky Money Toad
Home Decor
Ideal for Attracting Wealth & Abundance

Click here to order FROG on Amazon…


I know it’s easier said than done.

Some days.

It just doesn’t work.

I know.

I’ve been guilty of it myself.


I’m finding more and more.

If I just do ‘the thing’.

That I’ve been dreading.

It’s usually never as bad.

As I think it’s going to be.

And quite often.

Works out great for me.

Just recently.

There was “this thing”.

I’d been putting off.

For like a long time.

A very long time.

Then one day.

I said f*ck it.

I’m doing it.

And I did.

And you know what?

It actually worked out well!

Imagine that?

We have all been there.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

We say.

Only we don’t.

Next thing you know.

Tomorrow is today.

And you STILL haven’t done it.

So, one day rolls into the next.

And into the next.

And so on and so on.

That’s why I always recommend.

Writing everything the things you want to do.

Down on paper.

You know, old school!

Write down your goals.

Your to-do list.

Grocery list.

Priorities for the week. 

Whatever it is you want to accomplish.


Every time you do something.

You get to check it off your list.

A totally amazing feeling 🙂

Think about it?

Why do we make a list.

When we go to the grocery story?

Because we know.

We are not going to be able to remember.

Everything we need to buy.

That’s why you make a list of goals.

You want to accomplish.

This week.

This month.

This year.

I feel I am the Queen of lists.

I’m constantly writing them.

For all different things.





It’s amazing how productive I am.

I astound myself some days!

As for me.

I have my goals written.

On several different pieces of paper.

All for different reasons.

I have my monthly and yearly goals.

And those are also broken down.

Into different areas of my life.  

Needless to say.

I also have a vision board. 

Only it’s about five years old,

And I have new goals/dreams.

So I started a new one.

Only that one is on Pinterest.

I’ve added so many new things to it.

And I can look at it anytime.

Or anywhere I’m at.

To keep me motivated.

Because I like staying motivated.

And here’s an idea.

If an idea comes to you.

When you’re out of the house.

Text it to yourself.


Like all the stuff.

That weighs you down.

It’s time to let it GO.

Let it ALL go.

I don’t think you realize.

How much sh*t.

You hold onto.

Until you don’t.

Like people.




Where you live.

The kind of car you drive.





It’s no wonder.

So many people are lost.

It’s because.

They are living their life.

On the hamster wheel of life.

Just going around and around.


Not really getting anywhere. 


If you really want.

To get over your procrastination.

Put little sticky notes around your place.

Little reminders.

Of what you need to do.


Another trick.

Reward yourself. 


If I do XYZ in the next five minutes.

I am rewarding myself with __________

(whatever floats your boat). 

For me.

My reward.

Would be something like:

If I do XYZ.

Then I will reward myself with:

A pedicure!

Because I love me.

A good pedicure!

As I said.

Whatever floats your boat!


“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” – Stephen King


Stop wasting your time.

You only get so many minutes in a day.

Stop using them up on pointless sh*t.

Get rid of all the.

Time robbers.


One of the best feelings.

Is being able to check off something.

Off my list!

I’ve written about this before.

Do you know how many people.

Tell me they are going to do something.


“I’m going to open a business too Patti!”

Or” I’m going to do so and so Patti.”

And the next time I see them.

And ask how it’s going.


They tell me why they haven’t done ‘it” yet?



My son gets out a kick out of me and my lists.

Whenever he comes with me.

When I’m running errands.

He always is amazed.

How much I get done.

Some days.

I hit up eight to ten places.


He can’t believe it.


After I accomplish each task.

I get to check it off my list.

He looks at me like I’m crazy.

I look at him.

Like, you can do this too.

With a little effort.

I have so many things I want to accomplish.

And the clock is ticking.

I literally do as much as I can on any given day.

Until such time.

My energy is depleted.

Or, that I can’t think straight.

All I know is.

At the end of the day.

I know.

I’m using my time wisely.

Because see.

I wasted far too many years.

Spinning my wheels.

And I’m never doing that again!


That’s the thing.

There is no divine time to start.

Trust me.

When I started my business.

I had no clue what I was doing.

I just knew I had to start.

These days.

If I want to start something new.

I just do it.

And work on making it better as I go along.

No more waiting.

These days.

It’s all about doing!


What do you want?👈👈👈

Now get that picture in your head.

Pretend you have it all.

In your mind.

Imagine what your perfect day will be like!


Don’t stop working.

Until you get your perfect day!

And kiss procrastination good-bye!

Another excuse for procrastination!

Too comfortable in your misery.

Again, I get it.

Been there.

Done that.

For me.

I was saved.

The Universe finally heard my plea.

And got me.

Out 👈👈👈

And, not a moment too soon!


The subject of my new book.👈👈👈

Which then.

Rewarded me.

With the opportunity.

To open my own business.

Total game changer. 

Forever changed my life.

For the BETTER!


If you want a better life?

Now is the time to do it.


Forget all your excuses!

Eat a frog!

Toddler Baby Boy Girl FROG Raincoat
Cute Cartoon Hoodie Zipper Coat Outfit



Lastly, make sure you check out my shop on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ninefrogs

Interested in working with me?


Shoot me an email today – pattib@ninefrogs.com!

That’s a wrap!

Talk soon,

Patricia <3 always

NineFrogs ~ People will stare.  Make it worth their while!

“Eat that frog!”



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